Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Safe Choices Magician

On Tuesday, May 16th, Mr. Randall Elder prewented a magic show entitles "The Magic of Smart Choices." He explained through magic tricks how the developing brain is affected when it is stimulated by violent TV, video games, and motion pictures. He issued a "30 day challenge" for children to "GIVE UP" violent TV/video games.

Teacher Appreciation Week!

Teacher Appreciation Week was May 8-12th. Mrs. Connie, Mrs. Alma, Ms. Terri, and Mrs. Lisa took charge of the week's activities. I've included some pictures of the cook out.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Faculty Attend National NCA Conference in Chicago

Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Craft, Mrs. B and Mrs. Tennyson attended the annual North Central Conference in Chicago Illinois last month. The conference hosts the three best practice proposals from each state. They attended several really good presentations. The four educators did some sightseeing while utilizing the subway.

Some of the topics presented were "Building a Professional Learning Community", "Remediation Strategies" and Electronic Grade books.

Bus Evacuation!

Lepanto and Tyronza Honored!

The American Heart Association honored Mrs. Donna Pilgrim for hosting the "Top Hoops for Hearts Event in Eastern Arkansas." Lepanto and Tyronza Elementary Schools earned $3,052 for the American Heart Association.

More Fossils on Loan From ASU!

Mrs. DuFord borrowed a suitcase of fossils from ASU for the kids to examine. ASU offers many such resources for our teachers. It is great to see the kids benefit from what ASU has to offer!

Social Studies/GPS (Global Positioning System)

Mrs. Craft's Third Grade studied geography terms and technology for the last two weeks. They looked at and studied different kinds of maps, including landform maps, state maps, and city maps. The students learned the cardinal directions and how to read a map key. To finish off the unit, Mrs. Craft took her class for a walk around the school to use a computerized GPS system on Thursday. "Nancy", the GPS system, guided us to several of the students addresses in the area.

Science Is Interesting!

Monday, May 01, 2006

More Science Pictures

More pictures of our kids learning SCIENCE! We have the BEST teachers! They make learning fun!

Lepanto Elementary Creates Scientists!

With the standardized testing out of the way, the faculty at Lepanto Elementary is diving headfirst into science and social studies. Mrs. Duford is teaching science to the third graders. They are studying fossils. Mrs, Cathy and Mrs. Carey's classes have learned about volcanos and Mrs. Hatcher is teaching sicence to both fourth grade classes. Today they made a model of blood. I've included a few pics of the projects.

Friday, March 31, 2006


Students enjoy the beautiful weather! A special thank you to Mrs. Lisa Tyler for snapping these pics.

Friday, March 03, 2006

A New Roof For Lepanto Elementary

The roofers should be finished by Spring Break. Although it is messy now, we know it will be worth it when we get our NEW roof.


We had snow on two different Fridays! The flakes were beautiful. Here are a few pics of the kids and faculty enjoying the weather.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Professional Development

Mrs. Paige, Mrs. Carla, Mrs. Donna and Mrs. Tennyson attended a conference in San Antonio last week. They learned all about "Core Knowledge" while visiting an urban school in downtown San Antonio. Core Knowledge is a curriculum sequencing program which ensures in depth study of all areas required by the Department of Education.

Mrs. Craft and Mrs. Tennyson are attending a TICAL conference today and tomorrow. TICAL is a state technology conference. We are learning alot about palm pilots in the classroom. We are also finding out about many "free" sites on the web where we can get free goodies.

We will be sharing all of this new information with the faculty next week.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006



More Pictures from the Celebration!

More photos for your enjoyment!