Thursday, September 22, 2005


Lepanto Elementary has a new sign to welcome you to the campus. Mr. Mitch Ford, my preacher, painted the sign for us. He started several weeks ago. It took him a while, since he is on the crisis management team for hurricane Katrina. A special thank you to Mr. Mitch.

For those of you who do not come through the carline regularly, feel free to drive by or drop in to see the new addition to our campus.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

New Storage Building for Pre-K Class

Mrs. Joyce and Mrs. Misty FINALLY got their storage building for the pre-k classroom outside play things.

Constitution Day

Lepanto Elementary celebrated Constitution on Friday, September 16th. The students gathered at the flag pole to learn about the pledge, recite the pledge and listen to the choir sing patriotic songs.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Computers At Use

The kids are working hard, and enjoying every minute of it.

New computer Lab Up and RUNNING!!!

Our new computer lab is up and running. Mrs. Lisa Tyler worked hard to set up the 25 new computers and the kids are loving it,