Monday, October 31, 2005

Mrs. Tennyson and Ray Simon

I recently attended an elementary principal conference in Little Rock. I had a chance to hear Ray Simon, United States deputy director of education, speak concerning the progress made in public education in Arkansas.

Mail Call/Collaboration

Faculty met and participated in a collaboration activity. Each teacher wrote a question they had about an educational issue (perhaps something in their room which they were looking for suggestions) on an envelope. Each teacher then wrote suggestions on an index card and placed inside each question envelope. At the end of the meeting, each "problem" envelope had around 15 new ideas to try.

Pre K Teachers Attend Conference

Mrs. Misty and Mrs. Joyce participate while the featured speaker, Mimi, leads the audience in a song.

Meeting On The Mountain

I attended the first session of Phase II of the Master Principal Program from October 24th to October 27th. The meeting was on Petit Jean Mountain at the Winrock Conference Center. Eighteen principals from Arkansas were chosen to participate in this program. I always hate being away from school. However, I believe what I learned last week will help me guide our school toward our goal of leaving no child behind.

I will be sharing some of the things I learned with our faculty at our weekly meeting tomorrow.

One thing I picked up is...when you see a date, such as 2005-2006, what is important is the time spent during the year. In other words- THE DASH- The dash between the 2005 and the 2006. The dash represents the time we are given, and how we spend it. The same is true of our time at school. With school lasting from 7:45-2:55, how we spend our time during the DASH is the secret to what we achieve.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Benchmark Scores Are In!

We will be sharing the benchmark results with parents at parent teacher conference which is scheduled for October 20th from 2:30-6:30.

Superhero Visits Lepanto Elementary!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Homecoming Week!

We've had fun this week celebrating Homecoming Week. Yesterday was pajama day and today is "Dress Like a Famous Person Day".

We had Marilyn Monroe and Marcus Monk (quite a few) come to visit this morning.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Math Night a Huge Success!

Our annual math night was a huge success. I would like to thank the parents, grandparents and students who took time to attend our annual math night. I've included several pictures, which highlight some of the math activities which were part of the night.