Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The Answers Are...

Brett is Mrs. Tina's baby.

The cat belongs to Mrs. Ford. Her name is Belle.

Be sure and check out Mrs. Craft's blog at

I'm so thrilled that she has gone above and beyond to use what she has learned at our technology meetings.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Whose cat is that? Posted by Hello

brett Posted by Hello

You must be VERY careful with the glue. Posted by Hello

The contestants wait in the "pits." Posted by Hello

Blake gets ready to let her fly! Posted by Hello

More of the kindergarten students working on a butterfly assignment. Posted by Hello

The girls wait their turn anxiously. Posted by Hello

Is Mrs. Ford getting ready to jump ship? Posted by Hello

Mrs. Greeno helps Selena get ready to race! Posted by Hello

Mrs. Greeno's class competes in the "annual noodle race." Posted by Hello

Mrs. Kathy and Mrs. Kay help the kindergarten students make butterflies. They are visiting Mrs. Craft's second grade later this afternoon. Mrs. Craft's class has butterfly pupa about to emerge. Posted by Hello

The Year Is Coming To An End

The days are flying by. I will be attending a Federal Coordinator's Conference at the end of this week. I serve as the district federal coordinator as well as elementary principal. The meeting should be great. I'm really looking forward to hearing Ray Simon speak. Mr. Simon was the former director of the Arkansas department of education. He left to work on President Bush's No Child Left Behind in Washington D. C. I read in the paper last week that Mr. Simon had been appointed deputy director of education, under the national director of education. This is a NATIONAL position. Mr. Simon always sent me such nice e-mails concerning our success at Weiner Elementary when he served in Little Rock.

I ran across an e-mail that he sent on July 25, 2003. (I have been cleaning my files in preparation for my move to EPC.) I had just sent him our test results and he responded with these words.

"I am so proud of you and your school - teachers and kids. It all starts with building level leadership and you are "the woman". Thanks for making my day."

The community needs to know that we are known nationally for high standards and achievement. Mr. Simon was being too generous concerning me, but he was right on the mark concerning our teachers and kids. Needless to say this success would not be possible without the continued support of the community.

It has truly been a blessing to work for eight years with such a great group of kids, parents, and faculty.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Dalton uses another approach. Posted by Hello

Missi also uses a parachute. Posted by Hello

Amber gets ready to launch her egg. Posted by Hello

A genius at work! Posted by Hello

Parachute landing Posted by Hello

Where did the crowd go? Posted by Hello

Get ready! Posted by Hello

Be Careful!!! Posted by Hello

Jeffery Posted by Hello

Lisa Tennyson, Weiner elementary principal, discusses the Master Principal Program at the Weiner Lion's Club on April 14th. Mrs. Tennyson is among 55 principals statewide who were accepted to the phase I program for the 2004-2005 year. Posted by Hello

Monday, April 18, 2005

6th Graders Become Aeronautics Engineers!

After learning how rockets can safely transport people into space, 6th graders created "egg carriers" that would safely land an egg after being dropped from a height of about ten feet. Students were very creative in their design. Jeffery's egg was saved by helium baloons; Amber's egg rested on a nice soft bed of toilet paper; Leslie used an egg crate; Edgar protected his egg with a cardboard box; Noah's was surrounded by foam; Missi used cotton balls; David used bubble wrap; Cortney's egg was safe in a plastic Mt. Dew bottle. We learned that neither Curtis nor Sarah Beth should ever be in control of a space ship of any kind! Cupcake holders and parachutes made of paper just don't offer much protection. Students had a great time testing their inventions, even though they got a little messy!
Sixth grade preparing for the "great egg drop." Posted by Hello

Mrs. James' class discusses seeds following an experiment. Posted by Hello

Roll Out the Solar System

6th grade students found a very unusual use for a very common household item. They used toilet paper to help create a model of our solar system. Students carefully unrolled approximately 500 squares of the cottony white stuff down and around the floor of the hallway. Students placed a large cutout, representing the sun, at the start of the roll. Then they placed models of each planet a proportinal distance from the sun, using the squares as a guide. They learned that Earth should be placed only 9 sheets away from the sun, while Pluto landed 365 sheets away! The model gave students a good idea of just how large our solar system is.
The sixth grade demonstrates the distance between the planets using toilet paper. Math, science and reading are taught all in one lesson. Posted by Hello

Brad gets ready to learn about reflexes. Posted by Hello