The days are flying by. I will be attending a Federal Coordinator's Conference at the end of this week. I serve as the district federal coordinator as well as elementary principal. The meeting should be great. I'm really looking forward to hearing Ray Simon speak. Mr. Simon was the former director of the Arkansas department of education. He left to work on President Bush's No Child Left Behind in Washington D. C. I read in the paper last week that Mr. Simon had been appointed deputy director of education, under the national director of education. This is a NATIONAL position. Mr. Simon always sent me such nice e-mails concerning our success at Weiner Elementary when he served in Little Rock.
I ran across an e-mail that he sent on July 25, 2003. (I have been cleaning my files in preparation for my move to EPC.) I had just sent him our test results and he responded with these words.
"I am so proud of you and your school - teachers and kids. It all starts with building level leadership and you are "the woman". Thanks for making my day."
The community needs to know that we are known nationally for high standards and achievement. Mr. Simon was being too generous concerning me, but he was right on the mark concerning our teachers and kids. Needless to say this success would not be possible without the continued support of the community.
It has truly been a blessing to work for eight years with such a great group of kids, parents, and faculty.