After learning how rockets can safely transport people into space, 6th graders created "egg carriers" that would safely land an egg after being dropped from a height of about ten feet. Students were very creative in their design. Jeffery's egg was saved by helium baloons; Amber's egg rested on a nice soft bed of toilet paper; Leslie used an egg crate; Edgar protected his egg with a cardboard box; Noah's was surrounded by foam; Missi used cotton balls; David used bubble wrap; Cortney's egg was safe in a plastic Mt. Dew bottle. We learned that neither Curtis nor Sarah Beth should ever be in control of a space ship of any kind! Cupcake holders and parachutes made of paper just don't offer much protection. Students had a great time testing their inventions, even though they got a little messy!
Sixth grade preparing for the "great egg drop."
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