The Conclusion of Another Successful Year!
School has again come to an end. The "Video Party" on May 27th was a great success. I believe we surprised Mrs. Kathy with her retirement roses and slide show.
This week I am at the Arkansas Leadership Academy participating in the 4th session of the Phase I of the Master Principal Program. The program has been great. I've learned many new strategies which should help me become a more effective leader. I've also met some of Arkansas' greatest administrators. I always come back from these meetings renewed and energized for school.
Some schools have received their ITBS. I called Mrs. Bell this morning. We had not received ours as of 9:00.
Mrs. Ford is busy painting her room today. This is just another example of our teachers' going above and beyond to do what they feel will help their students have a better learning environment.
Next school year, I will have a blog for Lepanto Elementary. If you are interested in seeing our progress, you can view this same blog.
Class is about to start- I must sign off for now. When I get back to school on Thursday, I will post pictures from our Video Party.
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